In some cases within AX you may want to treat data being
displayed on the form as a quick report and within reports sometimes it’s nice
to be able to change a cells text color or back ground color based on the cells
value wither its a stored value or display value shouldn’t matter. Below will
show you how to change a single cell based on its value or change the entire
row. Since all of this code gets executed at the same location is it almost the
same code it just has subtle differences. The examples shown will show you the
difference between changing a cell text color, cell background color and row
background color which are all based off the display field/method
Example 1. Change Cell Value Text Color Based on Display
Step 1. Set AutoDeclaration on the field control to true (in
the example shown it’s called DifferenceDueDate)
Step 2. Go to the forms datasource and create the override
method “displayOption”
Step 3. Enter the following code
public void
displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
InventQualityOrderTable qualityOrder;
str 15 numberOfDueDays;
qualityOrder = _record;
//get the number of days between due
date/complete or now/duedate
numberOfDueDays = qualityOrder.NumberOfDaysDueDate();
//only do the compare if we have a
number/due date
//if the
value is bigger than 0 than it should be a miss (red)
if(str2num(numberOfDueDays) > 0)
<= 0)
//if the value is less than or equal to 0 than the due date
was meet and the text should be green
super(_record, _options);
Example 2. Change Cell Value Back Color Based on Display
Step 1. Set AutoDeclaration on the field control to true (in
the example shown it’s called DifferenceDueDate)
Step 2. Go to the forms datasource and create the override
method “displayOption”
Step 3. Enter the following code
public void
displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
InventQualityOrderTable qualityOrder;
str 15 numberOfDueDays;
qualityOrder = _record;
//get the number of days between due
date/complete or now/duedate
numberOfDueDays = qualityOrder.NumberOfDaysDueDate();
//only do the compare if we have a
number/due date
//if the value
is bigger than 0 than it should be a miss (red)
if(str2num(numberOfDueDays) > 0)
<= 0)
the value is less than or equal to 0 than the due date was meet and the text
should be green
super(_record, _options);
Example 3. Change Cell Value Back Color Based on Display
Step 1. Go to the forms datasource and create the override
method “displayOption”
Step 2. Enter the following code
public void
displayOption(Common _record, FormRowDisplayOption _options)
InventQualityOrderTable qualityOrder;
str 15 numberOfDueDays;
qualityOrder = _record;
//get the number of days between due
date/complete or now/duedate
numberOfDueDays = qualityOrder.NumberOfDaysDueDate();
//only do the compare if we have a
number/due date
//if the value
is bigger than 0 then it should be a miss (red)
if(str2num(numberOfDueDays) > 0)
<= 0)
the value is less than or equal to 0 than the due date was meet and the text
should be green
super(_record, _options);
Conclusion: The difference between setting an entire rows
color and setting a cell/field value is only different by the method _options.affectedElementsByControl(<field
control>.id()); which limits what fields the next color change affects.
The only difference
between setting a text color and a back ground color is the property textColor
vs backColor()