Friday, August 8, 2014

Opening specific form in AX from external application or windows shortcut

When working with the last ERP system I used (Infor Visual ERP) we always had the option to create a pretty generic .txt file and convert it to a shortcut so it would open the application, open a specific form and jump to a specific record.

So far in AX I have figured out how to open AX from an external source and jump to a specific form but I have not figured out how to make it jump to a specific record. Maybe that will be in a later post.

But thanks to I can show you an provide examples on how to open a specific form in AX

Opening AX via a shortcut:

Download the following zip and inside you will find a .vbs file. Simply make a shortcut with the following properties
<location of vbs file>.vbs  -c <company> -d "<menu item name>"
Example : C:\openAX.vbs -c TEST -d "InventQualityOrderTable"

Opening AX via a C# application:
The above link provide a basic application that will show you how to open AX the only requirement is that you will need to add a reference to the COM object Dynamics AX Client 1.0 Type Library

Then add

using AxClientLib;
  private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AxClientLib.DynamicsAxApplication axComClient = new AxClientLib.DynamicsAxApplication();
                //find running Ax32.exe
                axComClient.OpenMenuItem("FWM", "BatchTraceStandAloneUIMenuItem", AxClientLib.AxMenuType.DisplayMenu);


  1. Hi Adam
    Great Post! I was wondering if you had found a way to open a specific record?

  2. I have not tried that yet, Im wondering if maybe we could create an args.Record() instance and maybe attach it to the menu item call just like we would when manually calling a menu item thru x++?
