Wednesday, October 21, 2015

AX SSRS - Repeat Row/Column Headers on every page

If you need to repeat a row header on every page within a report that is being generated from AX you will have noticed that the majority of the times the default settings of "repeat header" under row/column properties does not work. The method below will always work.

1.) Create a new group on the report that is at the top most level. Lets give it a name of "RepeatHeader" (or whatever you like) When it asks what to group by you need to input 0. Yes the number 0, no spaces, no quotes, just 0.

2.) On the grouping "frame" there is a down arrow on the top right. Click it and choose "Advanced Mode" You will now see "static" rows within your grouping list.

3.) On the static row above your new group go to properties and change the following

KeepWithGroup = After
RepeatOnNewPage = true

You should now have a row that contains headers that repeat on every page. If they are not repeating then your existing header row may not be within the correct group and you may need to change it according to how your data's grouping structure is set.

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