Friday, June 22, 2018

D365FO - Maintenance mode / Importing License File (ISV/VAR Add-on License import)

In AX 2012 in order to import a license file for an ISV or VAR add-on all you simply did was go to your license management form and click on import, select the file and run a full sync. In D365FO this has changed dramatically.

In D365FO there is now only a license configuration which is available via  System administration > Setup > License configuration however you will notice that the data is read-only.

(This form is read-only unless the system is in the maintenance mode. Maintenance mode can be enabled in this environment by running maintenance job from LCS, or using Deployment.Setup tool locally)

In order to change this from read-only to modifiable we need to put the system in maintenance mode. We do this by opening the command prompt (cmd.exe)

change the dir to your local \AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\ folder:

>cd C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\

Put the service into maintenance mode:

>Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe --metadatadir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory --bindir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin --sqlserver . --sqldatabase axdb --sqluser [sql login] --sqlpwd [sqlpassword] --setupmode maintenancemode --isinmaintenancemode true

Reset IIS/Cycle the AOS> IISRESET

The system should now be in maintenance mode so we can import the file

via the cmd.exe prompt run the following

Import license file:
> Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe --setupmode importlicensefile --metadatadir C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory --bindir C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory --sqlserver . --sqldatabase AxDB --sqluser [sql login] --sqlpwd [sql password] --licensefilename C:\licensefolder\license2018.txt

In D365FO you should now be able to open  System administration > Setup > License configuration and not see the read-only warning. You should see the name of the license that was import and you should be able to enable the configuration for the new license file.

Turn off maintenance mode

> Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe --metadatadir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory --bindir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin --sqlserver . --sqldatabase axdb --sqluser [sql login] --sqlpwd [sqlpassword] --setupmode maintenancemode --isinmaintenancemode false

Reset IIS/Cycle the AOS: > iisreset

The example above was for importing it into a onebox. Depending on the environment you may need to change the drive from C:\* to K:\*
For this exe we list the metadatadir as the bin folder as well
The sqluser & sqlpassword will be different for each enviornment
The database name may be different depending on the environment

Reference:  D365FO - Importing License File (ISV/VAR Add-on) via deployable package into QA/Prod (importing license via deployable package)


  1. Hi Adam

    We have executed the above command and reset the IIS and restarted the AX service. Still system is not entered into the maintenance mode.

    Getting the infolog while opening the License configuration form " This form is read-only unless the system is in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode can be enabled in this environment by running maintenance jobs from LCS, or using Deployment.Setup tool locally".

  2. Are you running this on a onebox or tier 1 or 2? Be sure to change the location of the meta and bin folders (C-Drive vs K-Drive vs G-Drive) along with sqluser/password. Did you see the 'insert into sqlsystemvariables' message after doing it?

    Did you run the import license command against the sale sql folder and packageslocal dir? One thing to note is on the import lic command I had to use \packageslocaldirectory and not the actual bin folder.

    You can also try not doing the iisreset.

    FYI I did this against a 8.0 U15 box.
