I recently ran into an interesting issue when it comes to
applying a platform update to a CHE environment for D365. I have seen retail
errors before but is it usually based on the retail server and step 57
Step 57: GlobalUpdate script for service model:
RetailServer on machine: [CHE name]
Which can be fixed by simply going to the service volume
(usually K) / Deployable packages/ Runbook Id / RetailServer / Scripts / DropAllRetailChannelDbObjects.sql
and running it against the AxDB and then hitting resume.
IE. K:\DeployablePackages\{guide}\RetailServer\Scripts\DropAllRetailChannelDbObjects.sql
How this time around I am getting an odd error around step 59 which isnt documented anywhere.
Step 59: Update script for service model: RetailCloudPos
on machine: CAM-DEV-CMMH-1
The step 59 failed with the following error:
The step execution time exceed the timeout value specified:
Which is quite odd, because this was a brand new box with no
data or custom code loaded.
In order to resolve this issue what need to do is go into
the same deployable packages as the dropallretail objects fix but this time we
will go to
service volume (usually K) / Deployable packages/ Runbook Id
/ RetailCloudPos\Scripts\Upgrade\Core\ UpdateCloudPos.ps1 and clear all data from the file UpdateCloudPos.ps1
so it is empty but the file is still ran. Restart the server and then hit
resume inside of LCS.
IE: K:\DeployablePackages\{guid}\RetailCloudPos\Scripts\Upgrade\Core\UpdateCloudPos.ps1
When this occurs and just hitting resume still fails on a
generic message it may be worth while to check out
service volume (usually K) / Deployable packages/ Runbook Id
/ DefaultServiceModelData.xml
IE: K:\DeployablePackages\{guid}\ DefaultServiceModelData.xml
Which will give you a list of all the powershell scripts
involved with the update process.
thank you